Daily Information has been in continuous publication since 1964. Our printed version, a brightly coloured A2 broadsheet, is displayed all around Oxford - in every college lodge, all departments at both universities, as well as sundry pubs, cafés, shops and offices (that's over 400 public locations). The sheet contains upcoming events, exhibition listing and volunteer services, as well as links and QR codes to our Jobs, Property and Housing sections.
We now publish the sheet quarterly. The deadline is always 10am the day before issue. You can find out how to advertise here. If you would like to receive a copy of the sheet on a regular basis, have a look here.
Daily Information was founded in 1964, by John Rose, who ran the company for 40 years, until his death in 2004. In 2014 we celebrated 50 years of the company. Emma Pearson summed up those first 50 years in an article which you can read here.
We are always happy to add to the memory bank with fond (or not!) reminiscences from customers, like this lovely piece from Graham Simpson about some of the early word processors and temperamental machinery. If you have anything to add do email it to us!
Below is a picture of the first Daily Info printed sheet (A4), from 28th September 1964. You can rummage through the entire sheet archive including the very latest edition here, but you will probably find it quicker, now that you're here, to browse our website, which contains everything in the printed sheet and more.

Other Publications
In addition to the Daily Info printed sheet, over the years Daily Information has published many series of Oxford guides, calendars, maps, What's On brochures and a book of cartoons about Oxford by our resident artist, the late Mary Potter.
Our current publications include an A2 Year Planner (produced every September and distributed free - email us and we will send you one); the weekly What's On (events listings for Oxford), and an excellent Map of Oxford (email us for your free sample copy - further copies 30p each).
Any of these can be downloaded as pdfs by following the links above.
We also distribute posters, for a modest fee, to our sheet display sites around Oxford. Find out more here.