Reviews - Gigs

Alison Spittle: SoupMagical comedy atmosphere Mar 25th
Magical comedy atmosphere
St. Patrick's Day CeilidhA friendly and accessible ceilidh in Oxford’s favourite microbrewery Mar 18th
A friendly and accessible ceilidh in Oxford’s favourite microbrewery
Oxford’s Next Hot SPUD A joyous, glamourous, dazzling evening Feb 26th
A joyous, glamourous, dazzling evening
Vidura Bandara Rajapaksa: French Kiss TunnelA little bit intimate, a little bit awkward…a little bit awesome. Feb 22nd
A little bit intimate, a little bit awkward…a little bit awesome.
Oxford Comedy Festival 2023Burgarmeister - Burgar brings polish and punnery to her debut show Oct 24th
Burgarmeister - Burgar brings polish and punnery to her debut show
Papa Nui + Brickwork LizardsTechnically brilliant but emotionally spare Oct 16th
Technically brilliant but emotionally spare
An Evening with Kristin HershAn evening of captivating music Oct 2nd
An evening of captivating music
Jamie Mykaela: I JUST NEED TO SMILE MORE at The Oxford Comedy FestivalA true comedy rockstar Aug 1st
A true comedy rockstar
Oxford Comedy Festival 2023 Louise Atkinson ‘Mates’ and William Stone ‘Low-Fi Jokes to Relax/Study To’ Jul 11th
Louise Atkinson ‘Mates’ and William Stone ‘Low-Fi Jokes to Relax/Study To’
Oxford Comedy Festival 2023Louise Young and Tom Little at The White House by Tap Social Jul 4th
Louise Young and Tom Little at The White House by Tap Social
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