Maps of Oxford
Our current map is Version 7 (2017), which includes both daytime and evening attractions and covers outlying regions of the city from Headington to Summertown & Wolvercote. You can download pages of this map for free via our Maps page.
We will post you one sample hard copy at no charge - simply email your name and postal address to
For bulk orders for distribution or resale, maps are 30p per copy (or 15p if you are on it!). Around 100 local businesses benefit from inclusion in the current version - do email us (or call on 01865 241133) if you'd like to be on the next version!
Daily Info's Year Planner
Our write-on, A2 size academic calendar (running October to December the following year) carries term dates for both Oxford and Oxford Brookes Universities, plus all major holidays and Oxford events. We release it each year before Oxford University terms start in October. Request a free copy here.
For your own hard copy, please email with your name, postal address and the subject line 'Year planner' and we will send you one free (within Oxfordshire only - click here for out-of-county or multiple orders).
We also provide boxes of planners for colleges, offices etc. - call us on 01865 241133 or email us with how many you'd like.