Frequently asked questions

Placing adverts #

What is the printed sheet? #

It’s an A2 poster, displayed in over 450 venues across Oxford. We estimate that it’s seen by roughly 10,000 people every week. The sheet contains paid advertising and complete cinema and theatre listings for Oxford. It also features other event listings (for meetings, gigs, lectures etc.), as well as reviews and articles.

How do I place an advert? #

Click on the "Place ad" button at the top of any page. You’ll be asked to choose which of our classified ad pages is most appropriate for your advert. You can then enter the text of your advert, your contact details, and attach any images or logos you wish to appear in your advert.

Alternatively, you can contact us by email, phone, or in person, to give us the wording and, if you want a box ad, the design you’d like in your advert.

If you’re not sure what you want to say in your ad, give us a call on 01865 241133 and we’ll do our best to advise you.

What types of advert are available? #

On our classified ad pages, we offer three types of advert: paid line adverts, free line adverts, and box adverts. All prices quoted are for one week’s advertising online, and one inclusion in our printed sheet.

Free adverts Appear on the website only, below the paid line ads, in a smaller font. Unlike paid ads, they have a word limit - usually 20 words, but on some pages, like Lost and Found and Childrens’ Things, this is longer. The word limit includes your contact details (see What Counts As A Word?). You can include your website address in the text, but the link will not be live unless you have a paid line or a box ad. Free ads in the property and sales sections are intended only for private individuals. We ask that businesses wanting to advertise in this section use our paid ad service instead.

Paid line adverts Unformatted text, with the first few important words in bold. They appear in the printed sheet, and online in the paid advert section, below the display box adverts. They can be of any length, and cost 60p/word + VAT, minimum £6 + VAT. Live links can be included.

Display box adverts Much larger, more prominent, and more eye-catching. They can include formatted text, logos, images and other designs. They appear in the printed sheet (in black and white), and at the top appropriate page online (in colour, displayed in a random order with other display box adverts). These adverts are also linked to from the revolving ad space on our homepage, and our review and feature pages. If your box advert is appropriate to more than one section on the website, we'll also place it there. Box advert costs are based on their size, starting at £30 + VAT for a 3cm box advert in print. You can send us a box advert of your own design ( design specs), or we can create one to your specifications. There is no extra charge for this service.

Complete Price List

Can I have my ad on the homepage? #

We do not sell advertising space on the homepage except as part of the display box advert package.

If you take out a box advert, a smaller "taster" version (known in the office as a "magic box"), which links through to your full ad, will appear on the homepage and on many other pages around the site. This is a revolving advertising space shared between all our current box advertisers - each time a page loads, a different magic box will appear.

Can I design my own box ad? #

We can create your ad to your specifications, including your logo, other images or particular fonts, etc. The ad will not be published until we receive your approval of the proof. There is no extra charge for this service.

Alternatively, you can email us your own design (high-quality jpg, tif, gif, png or pdf. We can also accept hard copy by post). We’ll need a black-and-white (or at least high-contrast) version for the printed sheet, legible at a column width of 6.8cm, as well as a colour version for the website.

Technical Specifications

Our column width is 6.8 cm in print, and we charge either £10, £11 or £12 per column centimetre in height, per issue (Complete Price List). The minimum size is 1 column width (6.8cm) x 3cm height. Online, the width of a single column ad is 340 px, and the height translates as 50 px to a centimetre, so a 3cm ad is 340 px by 150 px; a 4cm* ad is 340 px by 200 px etc. You can also book a double column ad. That’s 14cm* across in print and 710 px online. Whatever size of ad you choose, the proportions of the ad stay the same in print and online.

A live link to your website or email address is included. As a rough guide, you can get about 30 words in our smallest box, although of course, the fewer words, the more impact your ad will have (see Effective Advertising). We recommend a minimum font size of 8pt, otherwise text can become unreadable in print.

If you are designing your own ad then please contact us directly at with the artwork.

***Column centimetres: **occasionally, when we have a very high volume of advertising, in order to fit all the ads into print, we produce a sheet with 7 columns instead of 6. This means that all the content - ads, listings, cartoons etc - is slightly reduced in size. Because we have a very tight turnaround on ads, we don't always know in advance how full a sheet is going to be, so we cannot always predict when we're going to have to add an extra column. The size of the ad online is unaffected. We considered printing twice as often, but since that would mean that the ads had half the normal duration in print, thought that adding an extra column would be preferable.

How soon will my advert appear? is there a deadline? #

There is no deadline for the website. Your advert will appear online immediately after you’ve placed it (if you can’t find it, this might be why). If it’s a paid advert, it will appear immediately in the free advert section, and be moved into paid advert section as soon as it’s processed, which should normally be within two working hours.

Paid adverts also appear in our printed sheet. The printed sheet is now issued quarterly.

The deadline for an advert to appear in the printed sheet is always 10am the day before the next edition. We then send the sheet out around Oxford by bicycle at 5pm, to be displayed the following morning.

Can you invoice me? #

For first-time advertisers and private individuals, we prefer to take payment in advance by credit or debit card - you can submit your details safely via our merchant service provider when you place your ad on the website, or you can call us on 01865 241133.

You can also pay by cheque (to "Daily Information Ltd"), or drop in to our offices and pay in cash.

If you are a company and would like to pay by invoice for future ads, ask us about setting up an account so that we can invoice you for subsequent ads.

Can I edit my advert after placing it? #

Yes. Although you can't edit it directly yourself, we're happy to make reasonable corrections to the text or design of your advert after it's gone online. If it's a free ad, we may ask you to log in to your account, take the ad offline and place a new one - it’s quicker than editing!

If you have a long-running advert with us (entitling you to a discount), you can also alter your advert at reasonable intervals. Contact us and we'll make the changes for you.

Can I include a picture with my advert? #

Most adverts can have pictures (see the complete list).

You can upload your picture when you place your ad as a .jpg, .gif or .png file, up to 9MB in size.

Pictures on free adverts must be a single image (ie. not a composite of several pictures), and may not include any additional text. Logos may not be attached to free or paid line adverts, only to display box ads.

Pictures are checked by Daily Info staff, so, while the text of your ad will appear immediately, there may be a short delay before the picture appears. If your picture is unsuitable (eg offensive, irrelevant, a picture for which we do not think you have copyright, or a logo on a free or paid line ad) we will email you to tell you.

How long will my advert last? #

Free adverts are online for one week, at which point they can be renewed.

If you have a paid advert, you can book longer than a week at a time, and may become eligible for a discount.

A paid advert will appear in print as well as online. The printed sheet remains on display until the next edition is delivered in the next quarter.

If you think you might want to renew your ad, you can choose to have a reminder emailed to you when your ad is about to finish online. If you’re placing your ad via the website, you can do this on the penultimate page, just before you click ”Submit”. If you’re placing it over the phone or by email, ask us to organise it then.

Do you offer any discounts? #

We offer discounts for longer runs of adverts; if you book your advert to appear in more than three printed sheet issues, you receive a 10% discount on the total price. We also offer a larger discount for longer runs of advertising. If you book 11 issues, you get 11% off, if you book 12 issues, you get 12% off, and so on, all the way up to our maximum discount of 40% off for a run of 40 issues.

We do not offer any agency discounts.

If you are exempt from VAT, you’ll need to provide us with the appropriate documentation before we can remove the VAT from your bill.

My organisation is VAT-exempt. How do I let you know? #

If you're a registered charity, you may not have to pay VAT on your advertising. We will need a letter from you confirming this. If you're not sure whether you're exempt or not, please see the HMRC's guidelines on eligibility and claiming relief.

If you are eligible, please fill out the standard declaration (section 10) and send it to us by post, or scan it and email it to us. Without a valid, signed declaration we will have to charge you VAT, even if we have your charity number.

Do you offer a poster/flyer delivery service? #

Yes. We don’t deliver flyers door-to-door, but we do deliver posters to be displayed alongside our printed sheet. We deliver our sheets quarterly, with an extra sheet for the Christmas period.

We can deliver posters to the locations around Oxford which display our printed sheet. See our complete list of display points here. These locations are divided into 8 different delivery routes. For all 8 routes we need 325 posters, which works out at an average of 41 posters per route. But as some routes are larger than others we can tell you the exact number of posters we'd need for any route combination. All you have to do is decide which routes you want to cover, contact us to book a slot, and provide us with the posters by 12pm on the day of delivery.

We charge £5 per route + VAT. All 8 routes = £40 + VAT. Payment can be made on the day, or upon receipt of invoice by cash, cheque or credit card.

Please note that we cannot guarantee display of a poster at any particular display point; this service is dependent upon the goodwill of our displayers.

How can I delete my advert? #

To remove your ad from the site, if you have a Daily Info account, you can log in and set your advert as "offline". This works for any ads you placed using your account’s email address or that you placed while logged in.

If you don't have an account yet, but want to take an ad offline, you can create an account using the same email address you used to place the advert, or contact us, and we’ll take it offline for you. We’ll need something to help us find your ad, either the reference code you saw when you placed the ad or the email address or phone number in the ad text.

Why was my advert removed? #

If you can’t find your ad it’s possible that it didn’t get into our system properly, or that it’s been moved to a different section. You can try searching for it using the search box at the top of any page.

We may delete or decline to publish ads for a number of reasons. The commonest of these are:

  • Your advert has no contact details. You need to include a way for interested people to reply to you.
  • Your advert runsWords,together-to-try,toFit,more-in,.
  • !!!***Your advert uses special characters.***>>>
  • You’ve placed multiple adverts for the same thing.
  • Your ad is illiterate, illegal, offensive or nonsensical. See our Terms and Conditions for more details.
  • Your advert breaks UK discrimination law. For more details about Discrimination Law and Accommodation ads, check here. For more details about Discrimination Law in Jobs Offered and other categories of advert, check here.
  • Your advert is a job offer and you are offering less than the national minimum wage.
  • Your ad is in a foreign language and we can't check what it says. While we’re not too bad at French, German, Spanish and even Arabic, we currently have no full-time staff fluent in Polish, Chinese, Russian or, in fact, most other languages. We want to check your ad is in the right column, and not offensive, illegal etc. If we can't understand your ad, we may delete it. If you have a good reason for wanting to advertise in a language other than English, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to place your ad for you with a translation alongside. In the Jobs Offered, Rooms to Let and Houses and Flats to Let sections, ads placed in a foreign language should also contain an English translation. This is to avoid the exclusion of any nationality (even indirectly) from applying for a position, house or room. Ads on these pages without an English translation may be deleted.
  • If we feel that you are not being entirely straightforward or if we’ve received complaints about your ads from other site users.
  • If you are a job agency placing free ads on behalf of another company, for which you should pay.

If you have just placed your ad and it hasn't appeared online it may need to be checked by a human. We do this very regularly in office hours, and less often at weekends. If you're concerned, you're welcome to ring or email us, but your ad will probably appear soon of its own accord. If it has not appeared online it will not be visible in your Daily Info account either.

Daily Info will delete or edit ads at our discretion. Click here to see our Terms and Conditions.

I run a business. Can I place free adverts? #

Yes, mostly!

In the sales sections our free advert service is intended only for private individuals, not for traders. We ask anyone who is selling things through a company to use our paid advert service instead. This will give you a more prominent advert and a better response, and shows you are legitimate. For instance, Oxford is notorious for bike thefts and so we ask all bike traders to place paid ads as one way of ensuring they are legitimate.

In the Property and Acccommodation sections we do allow agencies to place free ads, but we ask all advertisers to identify themselves as agencies or private letters when placing ads. There is more info on how we define estate and letting agencies here.

In the Jobs Offered section we require recruitment agencies use our paid advert service when placing job listings. Recruitment agencies (recruiting on behalf of other companies) are not allowed to place free ads. Care agencies who recruit on behalf of their own company, even if care staff then work in private homes or other locations, are allowed to place free ads. Businesses hiring staff to work directly for their own company may place free job ads.

Businesses may place free ads to advertise their own services, in the Services Offered section.

As usual, we ask all advertisers to place no more than one free ad per item/service/job per week in each column. And of course if you would like a paid ad in order to stand out from the crowd then we wouldn't want to dissuade you!

How do you define an Agency in the Accommodation section? #

Surprisingly, there seems to be no standard definition of an estate or letting agency, and no national body that such agents have to belong to. This may be part of the reason that letting agents often have a bad reputation - there is no way of potential tenants verifying their agency and no professional body which makes them uphold nationally set standards.

On our site we define an agency as anyone who does one or more of the following:

Charges an agency fee Lets or seeks property on behalf of someone else (for a fee) Owns or lets out 5 or more houses or flats If you are seeking property, agency is defined the same way - eg a Language School looking for host families on behalf of its students would count as an agency. "Private" means you are looking for property for yourself, or letting out your own property (and you have fewer than 5 houses / flats).

If you come across an agency who has identified themselves as a private landlord please let us know.

Oxford City Council run their own Landlord and Letting Agent Accreditation Scheme. Details and a list of accredited landlords and agents are here. Do encourage your landlord/agent to join.

What counts as a word? #

Examples of what we count as one word:

  • 01865 241133
  • 07855 123456
  • Email Me
  • off-street
  • non-smoking
  • VGC

Examples of what we count as more than one word:

  • 1 bed flat (3 words)
  • short let (2 words)
  • cleaning & ironing (3 words)
  • near BMW (2 words)
  • near city centre (3 words)
  • Ford escort (2 words)
  • good condition (2 words)
  • incl. bills (2 words)

Why can’t I see the picture on my advert? #

If you can’t see your picture this could be because your picture was too large (over 9MB), or it was the wrong type of file (we accept .jpg, .gif and .png files) or it might have been rejected by staff as being unsuitable.

Pictures are rejected as unsuitable if:

  • They are offensive
  • They are irrelevant to the ad (photos of the object for sale/service you offer are most useful)
  • They are cartoons which don't illustrate what you are offering or look like they might be logos or branding.
  • They are pictures for which we don't think you hold the copyright
  • You have placed a free ad and your picture is a composite picture (made up of smaller pictures joined together)
  • Your picture contains text which is not in your ad already (ie. you may not place what is effectively a box ad, as a picture on a free ad)
  • You have placed a free or paid line ad and your picture is a logo. Logos are only allowed on box ads.
  • If your ad has been rejected, we will email you and tell you. You can contact us and we can attach a different or smaller picture to your advert.

Why do I not receive an email after placing an advert? #

If your confirmation email doesn’t arrive within 3 hours, your mailserver probably won’t receive your ad responses either! In this case, check your Junk folder (white-list anything from "" if you can), and if that still doesn’t solve it, please get in touch with us via email at or telephone 01865 241133, and we will try to help.

User accounts #

Do I need to create an account to advertise? #

No. You can place an advert or event listing on any section of the website (except Houses for Sale) without creating an account. However, creating an account enables you to do lots of useful things.

Why should I create an account? #

You don’t need an account to use Daily Info. It can be useful, however. It’s free, and we don’t harvest any data from your details. Here are some of the things you can do:

  • You can take your ad(s) offline - and put them back online - instantly, without having to contact us.
  • You can edit event listings - adding and removing dates, copying or deleting listings, and adding Stop Press information all without having to contact us.
  • You can keep copies of your previous adverts (and their responses), in case you want to re-use similar text or get back in touch with someone.
  • You can mark ads that you’re interested in on the site pages and retrieve a list of them in your account.
  • You can keep track of which ads you've responded to and what you said in your response.
  • If you’ve placed an advert with a masked email any responses will appear in your account. Whether you log in to our site or not, the responses will still be sent to you by email as usual.
  • If your incoming mailserver has very high anti-spam settings, it may reject the responses to your masked email, and, again, logging in to Daily Info means that you won't miss any replies.
  • If you are responding to someone’s advert via a masked email ("Email Me"), you can, if you wish, send yourself a copy of your message at the same time for your records.
  • If you fill in details in your account such as your address, you can then re-use those details when you’re placing paid ads while logged in, which speeds up the process considerably. You don’t have to fill in these details, and we do not and will not pass them on to anyone else, or contact you at all, actually, unless there's a problem with your ad.
  • You can use several different email addresses but manage all your ad responses using the same log in details.
  • If you mark spam emails as evil, you can alert our system to scammers targeting the site. This will cut down further on any bad emails that currently manage to get through our spam filter, to you and others. A small action, but satisfying.

So how do I get an account?

You can create an account right now. We’ll send you an email with an activation code which you can use to activate your account. You’ll need to click on a link in the email to activate your account. Once your account is activated, you’ll be able to create a password for your account.

You can also add more email addresses to your username. Just log in, place your ad with the new email address (masked) and you should receive a confirmation email inviting you to add the new address to your account. You do this via a link in that email. Use your established details ( not the new address and password) to log in, and the ad, and address, will be automatically added to the established account.

You can tell if you’re still logged in to the site because you will see an extra tab at the far right of the menus across the top of the page as you move around the site, called My Daily Info. This will take you to your account page if you click on it.

How can I recover my password? #

Click on the "Log In" button at the top of every page. Then click on "Forgotten password?" on the left hand side of login screen. You'll be asked to enter your account's email address, and sent a new, temporary password that you can use to log into your account. You can then create a password of your choice, as usual.

Why can't I see adverts in My Account? #

There are a number of reasons that adverts aren't showing up in My Account when you expect them to.

Have you got Adblock Plus or a similar program installed on your browser? This is the most common reason people can't find ads on our site.

Is the ad definitely linked to your account? In order to see ads in your account you need either to be logged in when you place the ad or to use a masked email for the ad which is already one of the email addresses you use to log in to your Daily Info account.

Did you place the ad more than 7 days ago? It should be in your archive.

Did you place the ad more than 6 months ago? In that case, unfortunately you won't be able to see it in your account. Please place the ad again or contact us if you're having trouble.

Still can't find your ad?

Contact us and we'll try to help! We'll need to know:

  • The email address or username you use to sign in to your Daily Info account
  • The email address, phone number or reference code used in the ad you are trying to track down
  • What browser you are using (Chrome, Firefox etc)
  • Whether you're using a phone, tablet or desktop computer
  • If a desktop computer, is it a PC or a Mac?

Replying to adverts #

What is “Email Me”? #

"Email Me" appears on an advert that uses our “masked email” system. This means that your email address is hidden and should protect you from email harvesting.

People reply to your advert using our online form, and their message is then forwarded to your email address. When you get this message in your email account, just click reply (make sure you don't create a new mail going to Thereafter you can email each other in the normal way.

Can I reply to an advert with a CV? #

If you’re replying to an advert using the Email Me button, you cannot attach documents; this is designed to make our masked email system more secure. If you need to include a CV, either copy the text into the email form, or contact the advertiser and ask them to send you their email address.

Advertising your event #

How can I advertise my event? #

We provide free information about What’s On in Oxfordshire. Our events pages range from Gigs, Cinema and Theatre to Music & Dance or Sports/Wellbeing Classes, Meetings, Exhibitions and Religious Services.

A basic listing on these pages is instant and free; if you want more exposure for your event, we recommend taking out a display box advert.

How do I change or remove my event listing? #

You can edit event listings yourself, via your Daily Info user account. Just log in before placing the listing and it will automatically be linked to your account. From there you can edit, copy or delete listings. You can also add Stop Press info eg. "Only 5 tickets left" or "Change of venue".

If you would like a listing that already exists to be linked to your account, just contact, telling us the title of the event and your username. If you run into problems, we are still happy to edit events for you. Just email or ring us. Please remember to give us enough info to identify the event you mean and also tell us what you want changed!

Reviews #

Why hasn't my review appeared? #

Your review may have been rejected for being too short, uninformative, misleading, biased, offensive, confusing, or because we feel that it’s a specific complaint that would be better addressed to the business in question. We don't reject reviews simply because they’e negative, but we do require reviews to be clearly written, and helpful to our readers. See the Reviewer's Terms and Conditions.

Can I review something for Daily Info? #

You can submit reviews of pretty much anything in Oxford using our review submission form. You can also review an event or venue using the review form on the appropriate page of our website. Read about becoming an official Daily Info reviewer (and receiving free tickets to events in Oxford).

Will you review my play/concert/show? #

Probably, yes! If you send us details of your event, and are willing to give a pair of tickets to your opening night, we will offer the tickets to our pool of reviewers. We aim to have all reviews online by midday the next working day, and we also publicise our reviews in our printed sheet and Weekly What’s On.

Website content #

How can I change information on your website? #

If you’ve spotted something out of date, incorrect or inappropriate, please contact us with details and we’ll check it out. If you’re a business or venue owner, and would like to update information on our website, please let us know.

Will you list me in your guide pages? #

Probably! If your business’s details are missing from our venues guides for Oxford restaurants, pubs, clubs, hotels, music venues, or any of our other guide pages, please get in touch and we’ll put up a listing for you. We're happy to list opening hours, contact details, and a brief description of your business for free in the relevant section. In a free venue listing, you can also include up to two pictures of your business, and a menu (if appropriate).

Can I use some information/images from your website? #

Possibly. You can see our copyright statement here. You cannot reproduce anything from our website or other publications without our express permission. If you contact us, we’d be happy to discuss it. Whenever possible we say yes, provided we’re given acknowledgement.

The company #

Can I work for Daily Info? #

Possibly. We periodically need new messengers to deliver our printed sheet; more occasionally, we require staff for our office. In either case, we advertise these vacancies on our website.

Because we’re a small office, we can’t usually offer work experience placements or internships. Feel free to contact us and ask, but please be aware that we may not be able to help.

Why isn’t there a Daily Info in my city? #

We’re too busy running the Oxford one! Also we believe that Daily Info is so useful in part because we live here and know the city backwards. So I'm afraid for the foreseeable future we're likely to remain Oxfordshire-based. We don't know of anything quite like us elsewhere, though for rooms to let in Cambridge we can recommend as a small-scale site run by real people.

What are your office opening hours? #

Our office hours are 9am – 5pm, Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4pm Friday. We are closed on bank holidays.

We are located at:

1st floor of 121 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 1HU

but as of 2020 we are often working remotely or not open to the public. Please do ring or email instead.

How do I contact Daily Info? #

You can email us at or call us on (01865) 241133. You can find our full contact details here.

© Daily Information 2025. Printed from
