Advent Calendar 2023
For many of us, Christmas is a time of indulgence; eating, drinking and being merry. Sadly, the upshot of this is often a lot of post-festivity waste, from piles of plastic packaging to untouched leftovers. But fret not; our guide to a Green Christmas is packed with tips to make your holiday more sustainable.
Within we’ve compiled heaps of resources on the best ways to make everything from Christmas shopping to Christmas dinner kinder to the planet, including recommendations for independently-owned businesses, recycling and reusing tips for Christmas wrapping, recipes for leftovers and instructions for handmade decorations. Did someone miss the mark on their Christmas gift? Get friends together and hold an ‘unwanted gift raffle’ in the New Year!
It’s easy to get swept up in the excesses of the holidays, but the real spirit of the season is being conscious of our impact on the world around us and trying to leave it better than we found it. So have a look through to find out how to make your Christmas a little more green.
Welcome to Daily Info’s 2024 Advent Calendar – 24 days of events to celebrate the festive period and get ready to ring in the New Year!
This year's calendar offers a mix of Christmas activities - pantos, comedy shows, carol concerts etc, taking in traditions in Oxford and the wider area, as well as free diversions in December and some of the best happenings to book ahead for in 2025.
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