The organiser says:
The contents of each Dance Sunday varies:
Sunday 23 April: Leading, Following, Listening. In most social partner dances, one person leads and the other follows. In Contact it's more complicated. Who is leading? Who is following? It's best not to ask! Just keep listening.
Sunday 21 May: Learning to Fly. In this session we will explore lifting using minimal effort, how to make ourselves light when being lifted, and finding natural places of connection on our bodies for ease of flow. Together we'll create a safe lifting experience for all while letting our curiosity lead the dance.
Sunday 18 June: Landscape and water. The body as landscape; movement as water. We will investigate weight-sharing and focus on floor work.
In our Sunday sessions we start by learning skills, to get warmed up, then we spend time just dancing together. Please wear loose clothing in which you can move freely and bring a water bottle too. Suitable for beginners and more experienced dancers. Contact improvisation is a dance form that originated in the 1970s and has spread throughout the world. It's easy to get started with, and great fun to do!