Oxford Wine Festival Competition 2018

Win a pair of tickets to the Oxford Wine Festival, an oenophile's paradise where you can sample wines from over 20 countries, discover new favourites, educate your palate and get a bit merry all at the same time.

The competition is now closed - thanks for entering!

Oxford Wine Festival - sample wines from over 20 countries, at The Oxford Union, Fri 8th & Sat 9th September

We have two pairs of tickets to The Oxford Wine Festival to give away!
The tickets allow you and a friend entry to one of the three sessions: Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, or Saturday evening, and include vouchers for your first ten tastings.

The Oxford Wine Festival is bringing hundreds of rare and award-winning wines, from over 20 countries, to The Oxford Union for one weekend only. On Friday 7th and Saturday 8th September, the prestigious debating chambers play host to merchants, music, tastings, tutorials, food and drink!

To enter we'd like you to flex your literary skills and tell us which fictional person you'd most like to share a bottle of wine with and why. Whether you'd like to sample a nice Chianti over dinner with Hannibal Lecter or toast the Starks' demise with Cersei Lannister, we want to find out about your ideal fictional drinking companion.

The competition closes at noon on Monday 20th August .
We look forward to reading your entries!

Entries so far:

I would drink wine with Rupert Campbell Black for reason too naughty to disclose!

Zaphod Beeblebox as the inventor of the best drink in the universe, the Pangalactic Gargleblaster, there is no one more interested in the taste of wine. He would be great company at a wine tasting. Furthermore, anyone who can say of themselves, "If there is anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now." Mr Beelebox certainly believed in himself.

I would love to share an Argentian Malbac with Celaena Sardothian from the Throne of Glass series. I would love the chance to learn some of her assassin fighting skills and also tell her that she is far too hard on herself and doesn't deserve all the self hatred. She would be a lot of fun and could splash the cash too!

I would like to share a bottle of Chateau Alpha Centauri 2368 with Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise and we'll be transported into a different universe.

Share a glass or two with Maria Magdalena. When she gets tipsy I would ask her if the gossip is true...

I would share a bottle of wine with Dumbo, we both hiccup after a few drinks, it would be entertaining.

I would gladly share a Merlot with Mark Twain. The stories from that time period in America would be interesting to hear.

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started" Mark Twain.

I'd like to clink with Jeannette Winterson, wine writer, and hear her talk on exploits of Oxford days drinking Pierre Vauldon.

I wanna try different kinds of wine.

Would love to share few glasses with fellow wizards at one of the Hogsmeade pubs. Anyone with a wand would do.

I'd share a drink (or two) with Bridget Jones as the evening would definitely end up being loads of fun – and perfect contrast to the elite life in Oxford.

I'd like to share a bottle with Holly Golightly as she would be fun, get a 'friend' to pay for it and get another when it ran out.

Zuleika Dobson, the femme fatale of Oxford love stories... I would try my hardest not to fall in love with her... even after a bottle of Bordeaux Pauillac!

It would have to be a bottle of red with Elizabeth Bennet.

The secrets would then spill out.. Did she really only fall for Mr Darcy after seeing the size of his house?! All would be revealed!

I'd like to share a bottle of Cleanskin Clare Valley Shiraz (from Oz) with the wizard from the Wizard of Oz. I'd pick his brains about many things, and ask how he got that huge curtain up there.

A Pint of Ale with Abel Magwitch the secret benefactor of Pip in Great Expectations.

I'd like to share a bottle with Paddington Bear as everybody knows that bears don't really drink so that would leave all the more for me :)

I'd like to share a bottle of wine with Endeavour Morse to see if I could convert him from a whisky inspired deep thinker to a wine appreciating intellectual drinker.

Captain Archibald Haddock is a sailor like me and he's always up for a drink . Also when he got drank he always uses swearing words that crack me up !

In vino veritas

Being in Oxford, I’d like to share a bottle of wine with Alice from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ . The label on the bottle would of course say ‘Drink Me’ ...

Does he know that drinking wine fends off dementia

I’d like to share a Pinot with Poirot, in the hope he might let his guard down for once and have some fun.

Oliver - because he always wanted more ?

I'd like to share a bottle of wine with The Drunkard, from The Little Prince (one of the many characters he briefly meets on his journey around the galaxy). He's a sad, lonely figure, who drinks to forget how ashamed he is of the fact that he drinks. Hopefully, he'd drink enough to forget whose round it is, and that his shame would spur him into buying another bottle for us.

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