Saw Colin last week and wasn't that impressed: nice bloke and his warm-up was entertaining but at one point we thought Lee Evans was going to walk on!!! He started by getting a sense of the audience, but this took some time and when he found someone he spent far to long with them. I was nearly asleep - nothing he said was that relevant and he was clutching at straws for most of the show and it dragged and dragged. From seeing him on tv, they must do a lot of editing to make a good show. My advice: don't waste your money!!!
Saw Colin Fry at Sheffield Last week and only having seen him on TV before, I wasn't sure what to expect. I believe you shouldn't judge him because he must believe in his abilities or he couldn't be that cruel to con people on such a big scale.
I myself have had what I call messages from my loved ones that have passed over and truly believe that life goes on, but if a person isn't spiritual or susceptible to such things then they need help from someone like Colin who most of the time just verifies what they already believe.
He has a unique way of lifing the feelings of bereaved people.