Oxford Pride 2010

A celebration of the local LGBT community.
Friday 4th - Sat 12th June 2010. oxfordpride.org.uk

June 2, 2010
Topping and Butch
Topping and Butch are right: All of Lily Allen’s songs are about her not-so-repressed hatred of men. Prince Phillip thinks he’s being funny when he’s just fucking rude. And Starburst really should have stayed Opal Fruits.

Beloved context: On my last night at the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe, I thought I’d squeeze more comedy in at the last possible moment, so went to see perennial Fringe favourite Spank!* (every night 11.30pm-3am, Smirnoff Underbelly). Have no fear, reader, I’m not about to review a late-night sex dungeon; Spank!** is a comedy showcase, highlighting the best acts around the Fringe. One such act was the redoubtable Topping and Butch, tastefully clad in suspenders and Mohawks for the occasion. As it turned out, we weren’t about to hear the comedy stylings of a pair of skinheads, but a selection of songs, stand-up and satire from a pair of charming, witty, bitingly funny chaps in chaps. One of the songs was about things that we all really, truly believe - thus the intro. Sorry if that was confusing.

To call Topping and Butch queer cabaret, queer comedy or “special interest” anything does them a gross disservice. They’re simply bloody good. Bitchy but warm, camp but clever, and about as twisted (the title of their Edinburgh show) as a corkscrew in a blender, these two have got a wicked sense of humour and a fantastic double-act.

They’re a bit like Morecambe and Wise, but a) funny and b) gay. My only regrets are that a) Topping and Butch only had a twenty minute set and b) I had to leave the Fringe before I got to see the rest of their show. You’d be an idiot to miss them this Friday at Plush.

*We love it!
**We love it!
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