The musical accompaniment was entertaining and the mixture of different styles of acting gave the show a certain amount of interest. The extract from The Importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde was particularly funny with both Coward and Ormonde showing considerable comic talent. The quotes used were certainly amusing enough although somewhat predictable. It might have improved the show if some equally witty but less well-known quotes had been used in conjunction.
The best parts of the show were not found in the more obvious superficial humour but in the dramatic pieces. Coward's Lady Macbeth extract was powerful and really demonstrated her talent. Ormonde's wistful yet poignant Shirley Valentine was moving and beautifully performed. More of this type of acting and less of the cliched quoting would improve the show immeasurably.There was a mid-way break in the performance for the audience to ask questions, inevitably mostly about The Archers (as Coward plays Caroline Sterling and Ormonde Lillian Bellamy). This might have been fun had I been a listener of The Archers, but this interruption in the theme of the evening didn't add much to the performance. It should have either been, all about Wicked Women (as advertised) or about The Archers, not both.
The entire show was well-performed by both actors although overall it was a little confused. Less of The Archers, less cliched material and more of the powerful acting both Coward and Ormonde are capable of would definitely have improved the production. An amusing enough hour, but not, perhaps, a brilliant one.