Magical and quite enchanting, the tale of Luna took its young audience on a journey to the stars.
The packed theatre was drawn into the room of Billy, a boy who should really have been asleep. Instead, he clambered and played, worrying about the dark (his toy pig is scared, he whispered to us). When they saw a shooting star, little did they think it was Luna, the moon herself.
Beautifully simple in staging, Luna completely captured the children's attention. The accompanying music was thoughtful; the unusual version of Twinkle Twinkle especially popular.
As it finished, my daughter turned to me and said, "Can we see it again from the start?" The wish, I think, was shared by many in the audience.
The 3 year old's view:
I wanted to go to the places where they were because I loved Luna. I wish it would play again from the beginning. I can sing Twinkle Twinkle too!