May 26, 2009
Disappointing. It serves me right for going to see a movie whose creators were so lazy that they just called it No 2. It's only good for making me realise that No 1 wasn't actually all that bad. This is such a lovely idea - that museum exhibits come to life at night when the museum is closed - it should have been possible to make it into a good story.
This movie has a very slight, very contrived story, and is way WAY too long. I sat in there for what seemed like hours, very conscious that the rest of the audience wasn't laughing very much (and nor was I). One or two highlights - Hank Azaria, wonderful as always, but essentially reprising Michael Palin's lisping Roman in Life of Brian, provided most of the few laughs. Amy Adams, usually wonderful, was strangely reminiscent of Rik Mayal's Flashheart in Blackadder II, all breathless enthusiasm and wild staring eyes - I almost expected her to slap her thigh, but she didn't.
The FX are quite good, so it should please your moppets (it is NOT a 15 cert by the way!), but its cardinal sin is that it is revoltingly sentimental. You come out feeling drenched in saccharine. I shall now have to go and see Star Trek again as an antidote.
This movie has a very slight, very contrived story, and is way WAY too long. I sat in there for what seemed like hours, very conscious that the rest of the audience wasn't laughing very much (and nor was I). One or two highlights - Hank Azaria, wonderful as always, but essentially reprising Michael Palin's lisping Roman in Life of Brian, provided most of the few laughs. Amy Adams, usually wonderful, was strangely reminiscent of Rik Mayal's Flashheart in Blackadder II, all breathless enthusiasm and wild staring eyes - I almost expected her to slap her thigh, but she didn't.
The FX are quite good, so it should please your moppets (it is NOT a 15 cert by the way!), but its cardinal sin is that it is revoltingly sentimental. You come out feeling drenched in saccharine. I shall now have to go and see Star Trek again as an antidote.