July 21, 2011
Well, my fourteen year old daughter enjoyed this hugely, and would like everyone to know that it's AWESOME. Folk often say that life is too short to do such and such - I on the other hand reply that it just sometimes SEEMS long, and watching this movie is one of those times. Endless sequences of giant metal chaps clobbering the crap out of one another - I could have done with a lot less of that and a bit more plot and character. Shia Le Boeuf was OK, the girl they replaced Megan Fox with was very good looking in a bland, modelly sort of way; Patrick Dempsey needs to do some serious work on his ability to convince as a bad guy, but one can't blame him for failing to be plausible when the whole thing is so, well, silly. The first movie was rather charming; this one just looks expensive.