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Current reviews of Speedy Snacks

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Speedy Snacks
Queen Street

This is the van that used to be outside the Radcliffe Infirmary, opposite the Royal Oak. Last year we gave it the thumbs up, but it was a little far out of town for most people. The van maintains a small choice of well prepared food in its new patch outside the Queen Street entrance to the Clarendon Centre.

The kebab meat is very good; fresh and tasty. Unfortunately, the chicken isn’t as good as it was last year. It is still perfectly adequate, but lacking the Pernod marinade for which Speedy’s used to be famed. The sauces are a strong point: the aioli is much better than it used to be, while the chilli rivals Ahmed’s in its ferocity and flavour. Salad is crisp, and a fork comes as standard.

According to the proprietor (Mr Snacks) they are open to 3.30 most nights – possibly qualifying them as the latest kebab van in Oxford. Anyone know of any which stay open later?

TOKE rating: Kebab meat: 8, Chicken/other meat: 5, Sauces: 8, Salad/accoutrements: 8, Service: 5, Total: 68%

Also available: Jacket spuds, hotdog, chocolate

Jasper Smith and Tom Fryer

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