Model railways recapturing scenes from the English countryside as it was in the 20s and 30s. Several different layouts, including one that is so fragile it is only open on certain days (but a video is available at other times). Regularly open are Dartmoor, showing West Country landscape and a classic Brunel viaduct, and The Vale - a fictional rendition of local Chilterns scenery.
The layouts are large, extensive and detailed, and are considered very fine examples of model-making: station porters wait, a fancy new Morris pulls up at the village pub, a horse and a milk cart meet each other in the street, and the ducks swim on an incredibly realistic pond, all perfectly rendered in 1:76 scale, or EM gauge. The trains are all hand-built, nothing mass produced here, and so even if trains aren't your thing, you may find some beautifully rendered modelling that impresses. The tiny hollyhocks are a work of art. It's so detailed, binoculars are provided!
Drop-in modelling sessions for children, on Wednesdays in Summer Holidays. Check their website for details of exactly what's on when, and for the extensive gallery which gives you an idea of the modelling skills, and what there is to see.