Reviews by Nehaal Bajwa
Dil Dunia (DEAD DUNIA - now Trichy Dosa)
Nehaal Bajwa
Dining at Dil Dunia was an intensely pleasant experience: the food, the wine, the lighting and the service was pitched well: neither underwhelming nor terribly fussy. The decor is light, airy, ...
14 years ago
Dil Dunia (DEAD DUNIA - now Trichy Dosa)
Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival 2011
Nehaal Bajwa
Kazuo Ishiguro is known for his novels exploring memory, humanity, and how we come to terms with the lives we lead. Much of the conversation consisted of Peter Kemp asking the author about his latest ...
14 years ago
Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival 2011
Henley Boat Races
Nehaal Bajwa
Rowing can, believe it or not, take many guises...
One is sculling (two oars, usually smaller boats, and often without a
coxswain or ‘cox’ for short). Another is what most people at the ...
14 years ago
Henley Boat Races
Oxford Fashion Week 2011
Nehaal Bajwa
The Oxford Fashion Week Lingerie Show was, this year, held (as usual, I believe) in the Oxford Castle's converted-prison concept hotel, Malmaison. The evening was designed, you could tell, around ...
14 years ago
Oxford Fashion Week 2011
Oxford Fashion Week 2011
Nehaal Bajwa
We walked into a room of beautiful people and beautiful pictures at the Oxford Fashion Week 2011 press launch last night; it was in the O3 Gallery at the Oxford Castle, and usually the backdrop ...
14 years ago
Oxford Fashion Week 2011
Mark Thomas: Extreme Rambling (Walking The Wall)
Nehaal Bajwa
The first thing you notice as you take your seats at the Pegasus is the noise! Not merely the quiet mutterings of the politically-interested of Oxford as they await a famous funny-man, but also the ...
14 years ago
Mark Thomas: Extreme Rambling (Walking The Wall)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives [12A]
Nehaal Bajwa
Uncle Boonmee is a friendly, aging Thai farmer. Dying of kidney failure, he moves to his farm in the countryside to live out his days away from the oppressive city. With him are his sister-in-law ...
14 years ago
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives [12A]
Tom & Viv
Nehaal Bajwa
The main pull of this play, for me, was the tagline, a quote issued from the formidable Edith Sitwell, poet and one of the couple’s contemporaries: “At some point in their marriage, T.S. Eliot ...
14 years ago
Tom & Viv
A Streetcar Named Desire
Nehaal Bajwa
For all of Blanche DuBois’ refined mannerisms and quiet drawl (that actress Ruby Thomas should be proud of), her sister Stella’s insistence that she must treat her well, as she’s family, the ...
14 years ago
A Streetcar Named Desire
Shazia Mirza: Multiple Choice
Nehaal Bajwa
The dulcet tones of the theme tune from the 'Wonder Woman’ TV series float out, almost eerily, from the curtains at the back of an empty stage with a single, tall, black bar stool downstage from ...
14 years ago
Shazia Mirza: Multiple Choice
St Giles Fair
Nehaal Bajwa
Whilst waiting for a friend of ours to show up, we walked all the way around the stalls at the St Giles street fair - it took us half an hour. Admittedly, our pace wasn't brisk, with hundreds of ...
15 years ago
St Giles Fair
Scott Pilgrim vs The World [12A]
Nehaal Bajwa
It's ridiculous, funny, and a little juvenile, but the storyline of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is one that most people can relate to: boy meets girl, boy asks girl out, girl's exes threaten to ...
15 years ago
Scott Pilgrim vs The World [12A]
Fame the Musical
Nehaal Bajwa
Fame can be a difficult production; complex, with 1980s pop cultural references and adult themes at every turn. However, the exuberance of the young cast worked brilliantly with ...
15 years ago
Fame the Musical
South of the Border [15]
Nehaal Bajwa
Rightly or wrongly, the US media comes out of Oliver Stone’s documentary on the rise of the South American political left looking slightly ridiculous. I particularly enjoyed the moment when US new ...
15 years ago
South of the Border [15]
The Jolly Gourmand
Nehaal Bajwa
Fragrant Thai Chicken Curry - ready meal The exciting thing about the Fragrant Thai Chicken Curry by 'lookwhatwefound', which is brand serving "as good as homemade" ready meals through the ...
15 years ago
The Jolly Gourmand
Metal Reincarnation
Nehaal Bajwa
The most compelling thing about Ivanoff's work is that he uses what could be regarded as, essentially, tat. Plastic fans, artificial fruit, glass jars of various sizes, and what looked like a large, ...
15 years ago
Metal Reincarnation
Alice Imagined Exhibition
Nehaal Bajwa
The stories of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll have long captured the imaginations of children and adults alike, enduring through the years in classrooms, theatres, music rooms and dance ...
15 years ago
Alice Imagined Exhibition