Reviews - Food & Drink

Al ShamiAl Shami review Feb 18th
Al Shami review
The Bear & Ragged StaffDefinitely a few notches above the usual gastropubs in Oxfordshire Feb 5th
Definitely a few notches above the usual gastropubs in Oxfordshire
Jericho Coffee Traders'Jericho Coffee Traders has the potential to become a real diamond in the rough.' Feb 5th
'Jericho Coffee Traders has the potential to become a real diamond in the rough.'
EurobarEurobar review Jan 22nd
Eurobar review
The Alternative Tuck Shop'I'll be back to sample more of your delicious filling combinations very soon' Jan 12th
'I'll be back to sample more of your delicious filling combinations very soon'
Banana Tree'Incredibly rich in flavour and containing complex twists in flavours.' Dec 17th
'Incredibly rich in flavour and containing complex twists in flavours.'
Emporium/BasementEmporium/Basement review Dec 10th
Emporium/Basement review
The CorridorThe Corridor review Dec 3rd
The Corridor review
BrickBrick review Nov 30th
Brick review
ThaikhunThaikhun review Nov 25th
Thaikhun review
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