Reviews - Gigs

Rae Morris, Fryars Feb 9th
Jonny Pelham, Mark Silcox, and Peter White at The Glee ClubJonny Pelham, Mark Silcox, and Peter White at The Glee Club Jan 19th
Jonny Pelham, Mark Silcox, and Peter White at The Glee Club
Christine Tobin & Phil RobsonChristine Tobin (vocals) & Phil Robson (guitar) with The Spin TrioThursday 6th November 2014 Nov 10th
Christine Tobin (vocals) & Phil Robson (guitar) with The Spin TrioThursday 6th November 2014
Free Beer Show: Richard Herring & Marcel LucontFree Beer Show: Richard Herring & Marcel Lucont review Jun 16th
Free Beer Show: Richard Herring & Marcel Lucont review
OxfordOxfordOxfordOxford review Jun 9th
OxfordOxford review
Folk Weekend OxfordSpotlight review: The Skeptics and Man Choir Apr 27th
Spotlight review: The Skeptics and Man Choir
Folk Weekend OxfordSpotlight review: James Bell's Troubadours and Trobairitz, St Columba's Church, Saturday 6pm Apr 27th
Spotlight review: James Bell's Troubadours and Trobairitz, St Columba's Church, Saturday 6pm
Folk Weekend OxfordFolk Weekend Oxford review Apr 27th
Folk Weekend Oxford review
Is Oxford Oxtopia? @ The Big Bang debateIs Oxford Oxtopia? @ The Big Bang debate review Apr 27th
Is Oxford Oxtopia? @ The Big Bang debate review
Folk Weekend OxfordFolk Weekend Oxford review Apr 24th
Folk Weekend Oxford review
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