Reviews - Gigs

Beatin' The BluesA fresh young fusion of jazz and poetry Apr 29th
A fresh young fusion of jazz and poetry
Stand-up LiteratureHave you read The Taming of the Brew by Shakesbeer? Apr 29th
Have you read The Taming of the Brew by Shakesbeer?
Tina T'urner Tea Lady's Steamy BingoA tour de force with a bad back and an excellent brew Apr 22nd
A tour de force with a bad back and an excellent brew
The Spin Jazz Club (@The Wheatsheaf)Spin winds down for Easter with casual cool Apr 12th
Spin winds down for Easter with casual cool
Andy Askins, George Rigden, Suzi RuffellGood solid comedy with limited elbow room Apr 8th
Good solid comedy with limited elbow room
The Spin Jazz Club (@The Wheatsheaf)European union weaves waves of world jazz Apr 5th
European union weaves waves of world jazz
The Spin Jazz Club (@The Wheatsheaf)Jazz giants blow Oxford to Harlem and back Mar 29th
Jazz giants blow Oxford to Harlem and back
The Spin Jazz Club (@The Wheatsheaf)British jazz stars take each other for a Spin Mar 22nd
British jazz stars take each other for a Spin
Jon Boden and the Remnant StringsFolk star finds his place at the North Wall Mar 18th
Folk star finds his place at the North Wall
Kristin Hersh with Fred Abong & Rob AhlersVisceral, resonating and irresistible Mar 18th
Visceral, resonating and irresistible
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