Friday 2nd November
22nd Oxford Sea Scouts Firework Display with BBQ
22nd Oxford Sea Scouts HQ, Meadow Lane, off Donnington Bridge Rd, OX4 4BJ
Gates: 6.45 - 9pm
Tickets: Adult £5, children £3, family (2 adults, 3 children) £15.
More info: Raising funds in order to redecorate the scout hut. Parking in Meadow Lane council car park.
Grove RFC Annual Fireworks and Bonfire
Grove Recreation Ground, Cane Lane, Grove (near Wantage) OX12 0AA
Gates Open: 7pm
Fireworks Start: 8pm
Tickets: Family Ticket £10, Adult £5, Children Under 16 £3
More info: BBQ. Refreshments & Rides, Bar Open til Midnight GRFC kindly requests that you do NOT bring Sparklers to the event please
Fernham's Fabulous Fireworks
Fernham,just south of Faringdon, west Oxfordshire
Gates Open: 6pm. Bonfire lit at 6.15pm. Children's (quiet) display 6.30pm.
Main display: 7pm
Tickets: £10 family, £5 adult, £2 child
More info: Large bonfire, sparklers, glow sticks, refreshments: hot food, drinks and mulled wine.
Saturday 3rd November
Fireworks Display, Bonfire and Laser Show at Culham Park
Culham Park, off the A415 between Abingdon and Clifton Hampden. Entrance is next to Culham No. 1 Site near OX14 3DA
Gates Open: 4.30pm
Fireworks Start: 7pm
Tickets: £15 per car at the gate, or £12 per car in advance.
More info: In aid of Help for Heroes, Culham's display is definitely out to impress. There is a display of 'night glow' hot air balloons, stunt bikes and even a slack-lining competition and demonstration. Longbow archers light the bonfire display and, new for this year: circle drummers! Refreshments will include indulgent 'chocolate cascades' as well as other traditional goodies and a beer tent.
Oxford Round Table Fireworks
South Park, Oxford OX4 1NT
Gates Open: 5pm
Fireworks Start: 6.45pm
Tickets: Adults £5, Family (2 Adults, 3 Children) £12.
Tickets available from shops around Oxford, including Shepherd and Woodward, Walters of Turl Street, Shakespears Golden Cross, Greens Cafe Bonn Square and G&D's Icecream Cafe.
More info:Now in its 45th year, the famous South Parks event has fireworks, a bonfire, music stage, fun fair and more...
Family Nature Club's Bonfire Night
Barracks Lane Community Garden, Barracks Lane, off Cumberland Road, Oxford OX4 2AP
Open: 2pm - 7pm
Tickets: The garden relies on donations and a donation of at least £5 helps to cover costs and to help them continue in the future.
More info: The garden’s annual bonfire celebration with soup, lantern-making & storytelling. Refreshments on sale.
Faringdon Annual Charity Fireworks Display
Faringdon House, Lechlade Road entrance - see signs from A417 / A420
Gates Open: 6pm
Fireworks Start: 7pm
Tickets: Adult £4.50 (£6 on the night), Children £2.50 (£3 on the night), Family £13 (£16 on the night).
Tickets are on sale in some local shops - look out for the fireworks poster in the shop windows.
More info:Morris Dancers with phosphorous torches, fairground rides for children, coconut shy, candy floss stall, sweet stall, etc. and hot dogs, burgers and hot drinks (provided by Faringdon Scouts) / Tel: 01367 253888 / 240716
Charlbury Cricket Club Bonfire & Fireworks
Charlbury Cricket Club, Forest Road, Charlbury OX7 3HH (very near train station)
Gates Open: 6pm
Tickets: Adults £5, children £1. Under 5s free.
More info: Fireworks, food, drinks, a novelty stall and 'live' music in the pavillion.
Didcot Charity Fireworks
Lloyd Recreation Ground, Brasenose Road, Didcot OX11 7BN
Gates Open: 5.30pm
Displays: Fire lit 6.15pm, fireworks 7pm
More info: Funfair, food to include a pig roast and the proceeds to charity - organised by Didcot Rotary Club. To be opened by Didcot’s mayor - Peter Read.
Tickets on the gate: Adults £5, OAP/Children (4-16rs) £3; under-3s free. Family (2+3) £12.
Advance tickets: Adults £4, OAP/ Children (4-16 years) £2.50. Family £10.
Tickets from The One Stop Shop, Didcot Civic Hall; Newbury Building Society, Broadway; and Thorntons/Heart to Heart, Didcot Orchard Centre. / Tel. 01235 212082
Troubadours and Trobairitz Guy Fawkes Special
Isis Farmhouse, Haystacks Corner, The Towing Path, Iffley Lock, Oxford,OX4 4EL
Gates: 6.30pm - 12.15am
Music starts: 8pm
Tickets: £10 including a first drink. Available from the bar at the Isis during opening hours.
More Info: A bonfire, sparklers, and a whole lot of local live musical talent including the Embellishments, Afrofusion and Taplin, Tattersdill and Jones. Big meals until 8pm and then mugs of warming soup and crusty bread. The event is ticket only and for adults (18 +) only. Remember to dress warmly!
Isis Farmhouse/ Tel. 01865 2438542
Sunday 4th November
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Bonfire and Soup Party
Cogges Farm, Cogges, Witney OX28 3LA
Open: 6pm - 10pm
Tickets: Adults £3.50, Children £2.50, under 5's and Season ticket holders can get in for free!
More info: Bonfire, sparklers, live music (act TBC), BBQ and soup, soft drinks/Alcohol (bottled), face painting. Well behaved Dogs on a lead are welcome. Tel 01993 772602.
The BIG BANG: Banger and Hot Rod Racing
Standlake Arena, between Standlake Village and Witney on the A415
Racing start: 11.30am. 30+ races.
Tickets before 4pm: Adults £12, Children £6
Tickets after 4pm: Adults £8, Children £4. Children under 10 free. More info: You can view races from your own car on the raised banking. There will be two classes of National Bangers / F2 & Mondeo Stox / non-contact classes. Giant Bonfire and a very loud professional firework display! Best Guy competition for the kids, refreshments etc.
Music and Bonfire Afternoon Fundraiser
Isis Farmhouse, Haystacks Corner, The Towing Path, Iffley Lock, Oxford,OX4 4EL
Gates:3 - 6.30pm
Tickets: Free but organised in aid of the Mike Woodin Green Trust, a worthy eco-cause.
More Info: Family-friendly event with music in the barn and a mini-bonfire and sparklers.
Isis Farmhouse/ Tel. 01865 2438542
Monday 5th November
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Kidlington Parish Council Fireworks Display
Stratfield Brake Recreation Ground, Frieze Way, Kidlington OX5 1UP
Gates Open: 6pm
Fireworks Start: 7pm
Tickets: Available in advance from Exeter hall, Kidlington (nb: office closed for lunch every day, 1-2pm): £5 Adult, £4 child. Or on the gate Adults £4 and Child £3. Under 3's free.
More info: Refreshments available, also limited disabled car parking. Tel 01865 372143
John Blandy Bonfire and Fireworks Party
John Blandy School, Southmoor, OX13 5DJ
Gates Open: 5pm (ends at 7pm!)
More info: Hot food available from 5pm. Organised by Friends of JB School.
St Michael's School Fireworks
St Michael's School, Marston Road, Oxford OX3 0EJ
Gates Open: 5.30pm
Fireworks Start: 6.30pm
Tickets in advance: Adults £2.50, Children £1.50, Family (2 adults, 3 children) £7
Tickets on the gate: Adults £3, Children £2, Family £8
More info:Refreshments available Tel: 01865 241476
Bonfire Night at The Plough
The Plough, Upper Wolvercote, Oxford OX2 8BD
Fireworks Start: 6pm (we think)
More info: Rain or shine, a free fireworks display! BBQ and Mulled Wine also available.
Fringford Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Display
Fringford Village Hall, Fringford Green OX27 8DY
Gates Open: 5.30pm
Price: Donations on the gate
More info: Traditional family bonfire & fireworks display.
Saturday 10th November
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Wytham Village Firework Display
Wytham Recreation Ground, Wytham, OX2 8QN
Gates Open: 5.30pm
Fireworks Start: 6.30pm
Tickets: Adult £5, children under 14 free
More info: BBQ, licensed bar and proceeds to charity!