Large companies seeking to recruit Oxford graduates tend to visit the city each year during Michaelmas term (Oct-Dec). This period of intensive presentations (many accompanied by buffets) is known locally as the Milkround. Recently the presentation period has extended across the year, now including subject-specific Careers Fairs where students can investigate several options under one roof, and a central summer Careers Fair (see below) organised by Oxford University Careers Service where graduates can meet dozens of prospective employers in one day. Individual presentations are added to this page as they are confirmed. Please check back regularly to see the latest updates - and do keep an eye out for the Graduate Jobs advertised on Daily Info's Jobs page too.
One thing worth bearing in mind: the slant of these events is naturally tilted towards big companies with the resources to proactively recruit Oxford students. That's normal, but just remember that they're not the be all and end all. Here are some other resources that may be helpful if you're looking for something different.
N.b. These fairs are open to Oxford University students and graduates only.
Dates of Careers Fairs
For information, visit the careers fairs information page on Oxford University's Careers Service website. They are regular, specialist by area (except for some general ones) and get going much earlier in your final year than you think! Don't delay, consider your employment options today. As your parents might advise... Though having said that, not everyone finds their ideal career path straight away, no matter what the milkround will have you believe. Further study, getting an ordinary job and some experience in a workplace, travel, changing your mind, all of these can be extremely worthwhile in finding what actually suits YOU!