For times of worship at various Oxford venues, please visit our automated Worship listings page.
If you've no idea which religion you might wish to join, but feel the need for some spirituality in your life, why not start at, which contains, as the name suggests, almost all of humanity's sacred writings, presented in files which are both usefully cross-referenced and easily downloaded. Make sure you've got a month or two to spare before you start, as this site is extraordinarily comprehensive. On a more Christian note, if you're that way inclined, try the Bible Gateway, where you can access 13 versions of the bible in English and 18 in other languages, and use a search facility to track down that elusive fire-and-brimstone quote for your Sunday sermon. Another very useful resource can be found at, a huge index for those investigating self-development through the hindu or tantric paths.
Promoting harmony between all religions, the International Interfaith Centre (17 Courtiers Green, Clifton Hampden, Abingdon, OX14 3EN) was set up in 1993 with the aim of 'building inter-faith co-operation in the world' which it does through conferences, lectures and other events and projects which you can find out about via their website. The website also features short introductions to most, if not all and more, of the religions covered below.
Judaism is a good online starting point for information on all aspects of Judaism.
Oxford Jewish Congregation and University Jewish Society
21 Richmond Road 01865 553042
Oxford Chabad House, Colman Centre and Rohr House, 75 - 75A Cowley Road, OX4 1HR. 01865 200158.
The David Slager Chabad Jewish Centre, 61 George St, OX1 2BQ. 01865 204757. Email:
Serving Oxford Jewish students and community with all their Jewish needs, including weekly Shabbat dinners, services, classes on Judaism and Kosher food.
Oxford University Jewish Society:
Oxford University Chabad Society: Email
Oxford Jewish Heritage there are now two websites: is a National Anglo-Jewish Heritage Trail project in collaboration with Oxford Chabad. is run by the Oxford Jewish Heritage Committee (established by The Oxford Jewish Congregation).
Both sites offer information on the Jewish Quarters of Oxford through the ages, with notable Jewish figures and relevant history. Combined, they present a wealth of research.
Orthodox Christian
Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity and the Annunciation
(Ecumenical Patriarchate with two parishes:
Russian tradition and Greek tradition)
1 Canterbury Road, Oxford OX2 6LU
Enquiries to Bede Gerrard: 01865 864805 (Greek Orthodox Community)
Joanna Haynes: 01865 552282 (Orthodox Parish of the Annunciation)
Services: Saturday 17:30, Sunday 10:30 and Feast Days.
The principal language used varies according to the following pattern:
First Sunday of each month: services mainly in Greek
Second and fourth Sundays: services in English and Slavonic
Third Sunday: services mainly in English (Greek chant)
Fifth Sunday: alternates between English/Slavonic and Greek.
The regular Sunday services are the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 and the Vigil service on the preceding Saturday evening at 17:30.
Website of the Episcopal Vicariate of Great Britain and Ireland (Exarchate of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe)
Russian Orthodox Parish of St Nicholas the Wonderworker
(Moscow Patriarchate)
St Nicholas Orthodox Church
34 Ferry Road, Marston, Oxford OX3 0EU
Enquiries to Mrs Anastasia Heath, 01865 511823
Services: Sunday 10:30, Saturday 17:30.
The principal language used varies according to the following pattern:
First Sunday of each month: English with some Slavonic
Second Sunday: English
Third Sunday: predominantly Slavonic
Fourth Sunday: English
Fifth Sunday: English with some Slavonic
The regular Sunday services are the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 and the Vigil service on the preceding Saturday evening at 17:30.
Roman Catholic
Vatican Official Site -
An enjoyably complete list of Patron Saints can be found here.
St Aloysius Gonzaga, The Catholic Parish Church of Oxford, Woodstock Road
01865 315800
Daily: Mass 07:30, 10:00 (followed by Rosary), 18:00
Saturday: 18:30 Vigil for Sunday
Sunday: 09:30 (family Mass), 11:00 Solemn Latin Mass (sung), 18:30 (Mass)
Vespers is sung at 17:30. Confessions are heard before each Mass and on request.
This parish is run by the Oratorians who follow a pattern of life established by St Philip Neri.
Blessed Dominic Barberi, Cowley Road, Littlemore
01865 778454
Saturday: 18:00 Vigil for Sunday
Sunday: 11:00
Holydays: 09:00, 19:30
This church is next door to the famous college (once the home of John Henry Newman) but now the home of the Sisters of the Work who keep Newman's memory alive.
Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy, Rose Place, St Aldates | 01865 276993
During full term:
Sunday Mass: 09:00, 11:00 (sung), 17:45 (sung)
Weekday Mass: Mon-Fri 13:05
Adoration & Prayer: Mon-Fri 07.30-08.00; Mon-Wed & Fri 17:30-18:00
Morning Prayer: Mon-Fri 08:00-08:15
Holy Hour: Thu 18:00-19:00
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 11:15-11:45, Sun 10:15-10:45
Spanish Mass: 17:30, 1st Sun of the month
Korean Mass: 16:00, 4th Sun of the month
Outside term, Mass times can be found via the website.
The Chaplaincy is also host to the Oxford University Newman Society, the Catholic student speaker group. Meets 20:30 on Tuesdays during term time.
Dominicans (Order of Preachers) Blackfriars, 64 St Giles | 01865 278400
Sun: 08:00 Mass, 09:30 family Mass, 18:15 Community Mass
Weekdays: 18:15 Mass
For times of Polish services please
scroll to the bottom of this page.
Holy Rood, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road | 01865 247986
Sun: 11:15 Mass (with children's Liturgy), 19:30 Mass in Portugese
Wed & Sat: 09:00 Mass
Sat: 09.30 - 10:00 Sacrament of Reconciliation
Our Lady of the Rosary, Botley | 01865 247986
Sat: 18:30 vigil
Sun: 09:15 Mass (with children's Liturgy)
Tue & Thu: 09:30 Mass
Our Lady Help of Christians, 59 Hollow Way, Cowley, OX4 2ND | 01865 770910
Sat (for Sun): 17:30 Mass, Confession 16:30 - 17:00
Sun: 10:00 Mass
Mon-Thu: 09:15 Mass
Rosary after each Mass. Parish Priest is Fr K Anderson, S.D.B.
Stations of the Cross in Church. Related primary school is
Our Lady's Primary School, Oxford Road, OX4 2LF. The Church is also linked with the Oxford Salesians of Don Bosco: Salesian Sisters, Elmthorpe, Oxford Road, OX4 2LF. Tel 01865 775349.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Balfour Road, Blackbird Leys | 01865 776903
Sunday: Masses 09:30, 18:00
Contact Fr. Mazarius Mgungwe
Sisters of Notre Dame, 145/7 Woodstock Road | 01865 557987
Associated with St Aloysius (see above)
St Anthony of Padua, 115 Headley Way, Headington | 01865 762964
Saturday: 18:30 Vigil
Sunday: 10:00 Mass
Daily: 09:15 Mass
St Edmund and St Frideswide, Iffley Road | 01865 246455
St Gregory and St Augustine, 322 Woodstock Road | 01865 515138
Sat: 18:00
Sun: 08:00, 10:30
Church of England
General information:
For service times at a church near you nationwide, visit
General Information about the Church in Oxford, Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties can be obtained from the Diocesan Secretary, Mrs Rosemary Pearce, at the Diocesan Church House, North Hinksey, OX2 0NB (tel. 01865 208200, fax. 01865 790470). E-mail, or visit
CHORAL EVENSONG can be found daily during term time at Oxford's three choral foundations: Christ Church (18:05), New College (18:15) and Magdalen College (18:00). Early arrival is recommended as space does tend to be limited, especially if you want to sit in choir.
Christ Church Cathedral, St. Aldates
01865 276154
England's smallest cathedral, serving the largest diocese. Also the college chapel.
Sunday: 08:00 Holy Communion (1662), 09:45 Sung Matins (said during the Summer vacation), 11:00 Sung Eucharist, 18:00 Evensong. Choral Evensong is sung every day during term time.
Weekdays: 07:15 Matins, 07:35 Holy Communion, 13:05 Holy Communion (Wednesdays only), 18:00 Choral Evensong (Sung Eucharist on Thursdays or Saint' Days).
Church of the Holy Family, Blackbird Leys
01865 778728
Magdalen College Chapel, Magdalen College, High Street
...has a choral foundation, and services bear the imprint of the Oxford Movement or Catholic Revival of the 19th century.
Sunday: 11:00 Sung Eucharist, 18:00 Choral Evensong, 22:00 Compline and Benediction.
Weekdays: 08:00 Eucharist, 18:00 Choral Evensong (Said Evening Prayer on Tues; Sung Eucharist on Festivals/Saints Days).
Pusey House, St. Giles
01865 278415
Chaplaincy primarily for Church of England members of the University, with a high tradition.
Term time only.
Sunday: 11:00 Sung Mass.
During the week: 07:40 Matins, 08:00 Eucharist, 17:00 Evensong.
St. Aldates Church, St Aldates
01865 254 800
Sunday: 10:30, 18:00 and 20:15
St. Andrew’s Church, Linton Road
01865 311212
Sunday: 08:00, 09:30 Family Service, 11:15 and 18:00
St. Barnabas Church, Cardigan Street, Jericho
01865 557530
St. Clements, Marston Road
01865 246674
St. Ebbes, Pennyfarthing Place (behind the Westgate Centre)
01865 240438
Service times change more or less in line with University terms.
Sunday term time: 9.45, 11.45 (followed by student lunch), 16.30, 18.30
Sunday out of term: 9.45, 16.30, 18.30
St. Frideswide, Botley Road
01865 242680
Parish church for West Oxford
Sundays: 10:30 Parish Mass
Weekday masses: 19:00 Tuesdays, 12:30 Thursdays
St. Giles, Woodstock Road
01865 311198
Sundays : 8am, 10.30am Holy Communion, 6.30pm Choral Evensong
St. John the Evangelist, New Hinksey (off Abingdon Rd)
01865 245879
Sunday: 10:30 Parish Mass
St. Laurence, South Hinksey (Parker Road/St Laurence Road)
01865 245879
Associated with St. John, above.
Service details:
St. Margaret's, Binsey village
Phone 01865 242680
First Sunday in the month (not January): 09:00 mass
Every Sunday during British Summer Time: 15:30 Evensong
St. Mary Magdalen, Magdalen Street
01865 247836
Sunday: Eucharist at 08:00 and 17:30, High Mass at 10:30, Matins (said) at 10:00
Weekdays: Mass at 12:15 and 18:00, Evensong at 17:40
St. Mary's, Iffley village
01865 773516
Sunday: 08:00 Holy Communion, 10:00 Parish Communion, 18:30 Evening Prayer
Wednesday: 09:30 Holy Communion. Saturday: 08:00 Morning Prayer and Intercessions in the Church Hall.
St. Michael & All Angels, Lonsdale Road, Summertown
01865 556079
Anglican Parish Church. Vicar (2012):
Rev'd Gavin Knight (
Sunday: 08:00 Said Eucharist, 09:30 Children's Service - except 1st Sunday of month, 10:00 Parish Eucharist.
Tuesday: 12:15 Holy Communion (Contemporary Language)
Thursday: 10:30 Holy Communion (Traditional Language)
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket Street
01865 240940
The City Church of Oxford.
Sunday: 08:00 Holy Communion, 10:30 Holy Communion or Mattins (both sung), 18:30 Evensong (sung).
Weekdays: Weds: 12:30 Prayers, followed by (13:15) Holy Communion. Fri: 12:15 Communion.
The church is always open during the day for a quiet sit down and private prayer.
University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, High Street
01865 279111
Sunday: 09:30 Family Service (1st Sunday of the month), 10:30 Sung Eucharist, 18:00 Evensong or Taizé as announced.
Weekdays: 12:15 Holy Communion (Monday-Thursday).
Other Christian Denominations
Oxford Baptist Chapel (Conservative Baptist - reverent worship), Albert St., Jericho (between Great Clarendon and Cardigan Streets)
07578 618654
Sunday: 11am, 6.30pm Sunday School: 3pm
Wednesday: 7pm
Calvary Chapel Oxford, Botley Primary School, Elms Road, Botley OX2 9JZ
01865 864498
Sunday: 10:30
Christ Embassy Oxford, St Gregory The Great School ( Main Hall), Cricket Road, Ox4 3DR
Tel: 07961214234, 07449331669
Sunday: 10am- 12:30pm. Teens class 11-12am; Sunday school class - 11am - 12pm
Wednesday: 7 - 8.30pm
Oxford Christadelphian Church, Tyndale Road, OX4 1JL
01865 251166
Sunday: 11am main service (and Sunday School in school term). Additional Sunday service at either 10am or 2:15pm (Check on website or by phone)
Wednesday: 7.45pm Bible discussion classes
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 430A Abingdon Rd, OX1 4XG
Sunday: 9am to 6pm
Emmanuel Church (Affiliated to New Frontiers)
Sunday: 10:30am at Oxford Spires Academy, Glanville Road, Oxford OX4 2AU
First Church of Christ, Scientist, 36A St Giles
01865 557605
Sunday: 10:30 service, 10:30 Sunday School
Wednesday: 07:30 Meeting
Reading Room open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 12:00-15:00,Wednesdays 17:00-19:15.
Friends Meeting House, 43 St Giles
01865 557373
Sunday: 09:30 and 11:00
Tuesday and Thursday: 07:30-08:00, followed by breakfast. Wednesday: 12:15-12:45
German Lutheran Congregation, 15a Lathbury Road
First Sunday of the month: 15.30, at University Church of St Mary the Virgin
Family services on Saturday afternoons, once a month: Community Hall, Lathbury Road
Headington Baptist Church
Meeting at: 78 Old High Street, Headington, OX3 9HW
01865 763572
Sunday: 10.30am
John Bunyan Baptist Church, Crowell Road, Cowley, OX4 3LN
01865 773499
Sunday: 10:30
Magdalen Road Church, The Old Schoolhouse, Hertford Street, Oxford. OX4 3AJ.
01865 245887
Sunday: 10:30am Morning Service and Junior Church. Other activities during the week can be seen on their calendar
Marston Neighbourhood Church, Various Venues
01865 728097
Sunday: 10:30am and 7:45pm
New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square
01865 247583
Sunday: 10:30
Oxford Community Church
The King’s Centre, Osney Mead, Oxford, OX2 0ES
01865 297420
Sunday: 10:30
Oxford Vineyard Church
01865 358040
Correspondence address: Oxford Vineyard, PO Box 453, OX3 0ZL
Sunday: 10:30 at Headington School , London Road , Headington – next to Brookes Uni. See for details.
The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), CLA, Oxford
Meeting at: Barton Neighbourhood Centre, Underhill Circus, Barton, Oxford.
07813 709676
Sunday: 10:00; Thursday: 19:00
Rivers of Life Church, United Reformed Church Building, 352 Marston Road, Marston, Oxford OX3 0JB
01865 434620 /
Sunday Evening: 17:00 prayer, 17:30 main meeting, followed by refreshments.
Tuesday: 18:30 prayer, 19:00 meal followed by praise, worship and a short message.
Friday: 19:30 for students and young people.
The Salvation Army, South Oxford Christian Centre, Wytham Street
01865 246278
Excellent Marching Band. (National Family Tracing Headquarters: 020 7383 2772)
Sunday: 10:30
Seventh Day Adventists, 2 Chester Street (off Iffley Road)
01865 792022
Saturday: 09:45 (school), 11:15 (service)
Wednesday: 07:30 (phone to confirm)
Collinwood Road United Reformed Church, Collinwood Road, Risinghurst
Sunday: 09:30
St. Columba's United Reformed Church, Alfred Street (off High Street)
01865 558763
The Presbyterian and United Reformed Church Chaplaincy.
Sunday: 10:45
Thursday: 12:30 (short service)
Marston United Reformed Church, Marston Road
Sunday: 11:00
Temple Cowley United Reformed Church, corner Oxford/Temple Road (opposite police station)
01865 779664
Sunday: 10:30, 18:30
Unitarian Services MCO Chapel Society, Harris Manchester College Chapel, Mansfield Road
01865 511307
Sunday: 11:00-12:00
Woodstock Road Baptist Church (Evangelical), corner of Woodstock and Beechcroft Roads, Summertown
01865 515569
Sunday: 10:30, 18:30
Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall Street
01865 243216
Sunday: 10:30, 18:30
Mosques are as follows:
Bengali Masjid Oxford, 57 Cowley Road, OX4 1HR. Tel. 01865 793118
Bath Street Mosque, 10-11 Bath Street, OX4 1AY. Tel. 01865 245547
Madina Masjid, 2 Stanley Road (off Iffley Road), OX4 1GZ. Tel. 01865 243142
Central Oxford Mosque, Manzil Way (off Cowley Road), OX4 1DJ. 01865 245547
MECO (Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford) holds regular weekly Friday (Jumu'ah) congregational prayers for men and women at 1pm at Summertown Hall, corner Banbury & Portland Roads, North Oxford. English sermon. All faiths welcome. MECO is a progressive and pluralistic local organisation which promotes interfaith dialogue and also sponsors a range of intellectual. cultural and educational programmes. Details: Email:
The Abingdon Muslims group can be contacted by phone: 07582 126888, on Twitter: @AbingdonMuslims.
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is in George Street, OX1 2AR, tel: 01865 278730, fax: 01865 248942.
For online introductions to Islam, visit: or Oxford Islam.
For online prayer times (wherever you are in the world), and much, much more:
Islam Finder
For a specifically UK-based version of the same, with news, politics and even jobs:
Thrangu House, 42 Magdalen Road, 01865 241555 is Oxford's Tibetan Buddhist centre. On offer to members of the public - regardless of faith - are free teaching, yoga, puja (prayer) and meditation sessions.
The Longchen Foundation, email: or phone 01865 725569 offers meditation, talks and courses following the path of the Mahayana Maha-Ati teachings of the Buddha under spiritual leader Rigdzin Shikpo. See website for local group meeting details.
The Oxford Buddha Vihara, 358 Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4QT, is a Buddhist community offering meditation instruction and teachings. You can learn about their current teaching and retreat programs on their website, or by telephone (01865 791591) or email.
The Oxford Zen Centre (based in both Old Marston and London, with regular retreats in Boars Hill) is a Sangha where Zen meditation is taught: the practice of focussing on the breath in silence to allow the mind and body to become still. Its many benefits include greater energy, clarity, peace, compassion and kindness. The group is open to people regardless of faith orientation.
The Samatha Trust offers beginner's courses to foster the development of Samantha Meditation - a traditional technique of self-cultivation aiming to foster to inner-strength, tranquility and knowledge. The meditation method has its origins in ancient India, but developed over recent centuries in Thailand and was brought to Britain in 1963. Email:
For the academic study of Buddhism in Oxford, try the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies.
Beyond Oxford: visit for a comprehensive history and description of Buddhism and to find your nearest monasteries, meditation centres or courses. Also try for a user-friendly introduction to the concepts of Zen Buddhism, with rather fun graphics. is "An important resource for Buddhism in the New Kadampa Tradition with over 1000 Centers and branches worldwide."
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book, is recommended by a former Daily Info staff member, and available free here. A Buddhist Daily Info user recommends a podcast of core teachings as an alternative guide in 2012; click here to listen.
For Buddhist meditation with Burgs, a highly attained and expert meditation teacher and healer based in the UK, try
Working to establish the Hindu temple which Oxford currently lacks, and promoting interfaith activities, Oxford Hindu Temple & Community Centre Project offers monthly communal prayer sessions together with infomation on local events and Hinduism in general.
See for a complete and balanced overview of a religion with 900 million followers. Extensive links, Hindi greetings cards, and a reminder service for Hindu Festivals. (Navigation rendered a bit difficult by too many advertising pop-ups so make sure you block these via your browser before visiting.) For academic study of Hindu culture and religion, visit the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.
See for lots of information.
Oxford Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara meets at 69 Cherwell Drive, Marston, OX3 0ND, where it holds a weekly Diwaan service every Sunday .
A campaign is currently underway to find a permanent temple.
Try for an introduction to the religion of Confucius and Lao-Tsu. Also see, the website of the British Taoist Association. And, for a clear and effective living teaching of Taoist meditations and moving forms.
Baha'i community activities in Oxford include discussion evenings, prayer mornings, social outings and non-competitive community sports to which all are welcome. Visit their website for more information.
For those looking for spiritual refreshment outside conventional religion, contact Theolyn Cortens at Sacred Building Trust 0845 458 0628 or visit the website Also, for lectures, films, dramatic and other events on spiritual themes, but not aligned to any one religious or philosophical outlook, take a look at the archive of the Jupiter Trust website, which ceased publishing in 2009:
Fancy singing a hymn or two but not sure of the words? Want to find the score to your favourite song of praise? There's a treasure trove of hymns at Cyber Hymnal and at Net Hymnal.
Humanism / Secularism
Secular humanism is a life-stance and philosophy focusing on the idea that we have only one life which it is our responsibility to make good. It supports people trying to live a good life without religion. It believes in the importance of human rights and dignity, individual responsibility and social cooperation, and expects people to make decisions based on available evidence and their own reason rather than on religious dogma or sacred texts. For Humanist services in Oxford and surrounding areas visit the directory on the British Humanist Association (BHA) website where you can find Celebrants of Naming, Wedding and Funeral Ceremonies.
Secularism is concerned with the separation of religion from governments, institutions and states. The National Secular Society (NSS) campaigns for a society in which the state offers full religious freedom to individuals while denying organised religion privileged access to the public sphere. Secularists tend to be more vigorously opposed to religion than Humanists but both groups champion human rights and freedom of speech.
Oxford Humanists is affiliated to both the BHA and the NSS. Their web-site includes a calendar of local events. Oxford Atheist, Secularist and Humanists (OxASH) serves the needs of Oxford University students whilst a similar group (BASH) is being set up at Oxford Brookes. Each February, local Humanist and Secularist organisations join together to organise Think Week, a week of high profile free public events.
Others is the national website for paganism in the UK. is a good source of information about Wicca. Local pagan meetings can sometimes be spotted in the Daily Info listings, so keep an eye there too.
A local Ritual Facilitator is Jon Bowen (, who specialises in outdoor ceremonies. Most ritual facilitators are liberal celebrants within a particular faith, or within the humanist tradition, but some (such as Jon) work with people of any faith, multiple faiths, or no faith to fulfil their vision of their spiritual or life celebration. is aimed at those with a sense of faith but no time for received religions, or anything superstitious.
Or try, the website of the Universal Life Church, which holds that everyone has the right to religious authority and will ordain you on the spot, on-line, free of charge. Nor is this merely for satirical purposes. The ULC has defended its charitable status successfully in the U.S. courts, and its ministers perform legal marriages. is an online resource, not just for atheists, but also for agnostics and freethinkers of all kinds.