Reviews by Jen is a Reviewer
Pomegranate Restaurant
Jen is a Reviewer
July 2013 update: although it's lurking in the shadow of the Cycle King scaffolding, this restaurant is not only up and running, it's looking lovely and tasting great. It is now Lebanese ...
12 years ago
Pomegranate Restaurant
Oxfordshire Artweeks 2013
Jen is a Reviewer
Two exhibitions in Wheatley well worth seeing this weekend!
First of all textile pictures by Anne Stewart (event 282). From more than 3 feet away you wouldn't know they were stitched. ...
12 years ago
Oxfordshire Artweeks 2013
Petit Mal
Jen is a Reviewer
Petit Mal is many things: fantastic, weird, terrifying and hilarious. It's Finnish circus for the post-Jack Ass generation, with a lot more sophistication. Some of the turns are traditional ...
13 years ago
Petit Mal
The Vaults & Garden
Jen is a Reviewer
The Vaults and Gardens are closed for refurbishment until May 2012. That's quite some refurb! We'll be expecting sparkles when it reopens...
13 years ago
The Vaults & Garden
The Debt [15]
Jen is a Reviewer
What a pile of pants. The Debt is horrible, and yet at the same time boring. There is absolutely no development of the central dilemma, nor of the characters and since the film spans a 30 year ...
13 years ago
The Debt [15]
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy [15]
Jen is a Reviewer
This really seems to be a marmite of a film, and not just in the number of shades of brown. I thought it was great, but half our party fell asleep plotting revenge on those of us who persuaded them ...
13 years ago
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy [15]
Great Expectations
Jen is a Reviewer
Oxfordshire has no shortage of good Garden Shows, perhaps because it has no shortage of lovely Gardens to hold them in. One time-honoured host is Waterperry Gardens, who annually let thespians loose, ...
14 years ago
Great Expectations
Artweeks 2011
Jen is a Reviewer
I really recommend the exhibition by Susannah Brough, in a very nice airy Garden Studio on Oakthorpe Place, just off Banbury Rd. (It's exhibition 317 in the catalogue.) The exhibition consists of ...
14 years ago
Artweeks 2011
Atomic Burger
Jen is a Reviewer
OMG have you seen the new loyalty card? It is very cool, and I might even have to stop eating the same burger every time I go. I don't want to spoil the surprise but I don't think it gives too much ...
14 years ago
Atomic Burger
Posh Fish, Headington
Jen is a Reviewer
Hi Splash - they've obviously heard your plea. I was ordering on the phone just now and they asked if I wanted my (non-battered) haddock fried or grilled.
14 years ago
Posh Fish, Headington
Jee Saheb
Jen is a Reviewer
We've become very keen on this restaurant, which is sort of on the path between work and home, and worth the detour. The curries are really different from each other and the ingredients don't taste ...
15 years ago
Jee Saheb
Bangla Kitchen
Jen is a Reviewer
This is a funny place, in an unassuming building, which is also a grocery store. But it's some of the best curry in Oxford. The patia I had was so sweet, sour and rich it was like the best mince pie ...
15 years ago
Bangla Kitchen
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday [U] aka Les Vacances des M. Hulot
Jen is a Reviewer
M. Hulot is like a really nice Mr Bean. Jacques Tati was one of those tall, lanky comedians, like John Cleese, who use the whole of themselves in their comedy. In this film his alter ego, the gently ...
15 years ago
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday [U] aka Les Vacances des M. Hulot
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Jen is a Reviewer
Seeing Propeller do Shakespeare is like seeing the plays for the first time. It's fresh, it's funny, they're not too precious about the script and the excellent actors wring every drop of humour out ...
16 years ago
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Fireworks Poetry Competition 2008
Jen is a Reviewer
One autumn night after dinnerI was horribly waked from my snooze.My hackles stood up - I'm a poor young pupCos I've got the firework blues.One autumn evening the wife and IHad dined on potatoes and ...
16 years ago
Fireworks Poetry Competition 2008
Jen is a Reviewer
Chutney's is one of my favourite Indian restaurants, with consistently good food and a nicely varied selection. The chutneys are plentiful, and unusual, with one particularly interesting ...
16 years ago
Noises Off
Jen is a Reviewer
It's all about the sardines. Never has a plate of fish been as troublesome as it is in Nothing On, whose first act we see three times in Noises Off, Michael Frayn's staunchly favourite comedy. Noises ...
16 years ago
Noises Off
The 39 Steps
Jen is a Reviewer
Since returning from the tropicsTo this dim benighted shoreWith its surfeit of dull topicsFrom socialites who bore,My smile became seraphicWhen I found upon the floorThe body sprawled (be graphic!)Of ...
17 years ago
The 39 Steps
Aiden + guests
Jen is a Reviewer
Aiden, the emo-punks from Seattle, are touring with their latest album Conviction. Performing with high energy, their control of the audience was shown when lead singer Will Francis parted them with ...
17 years ago
Aiden + guests
Houdini's Suitcase
Jen is a Reviewer
Exploring the idea of being trapped, Houdini's Suitcase centres around Joshka Malouth, an unsuccessful escape artist. He is now an old man, waiting for a train, surrounded by piles of luggage, which ...
17 years ago
Houdini's Suitcase
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Jen is a Reviewer
Physical theatre set in a building site may not be what you'd associate with Alice Through The Looking Glass, but it really seems to fit this bizarre work. I thought I knew the story, but in fact I ...
17 years ago
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Beauty and the Beast On Ice
Jen is a Reviewer
Beauty and the Beast is truly spectacular - the Ice Stars perform circus moves, and they do them on skates! The acrobatics, fire juggling, swinging from ropes and trampolining make the flawless ...
17 years ago
Beauty and the Beast On Ice
I Am Shakespeare
Jen is a Reviewer
I've never really worried about who wrote Shakespeare's plays. After watching I Am Shakespeare that feels slightly sacrilegious, but even after seeing it I didn't lie awake wondering. It is a ...
17 years ago
I Am Shakespeare
Jen is a Reviewer
I've only just discovered AK City, and it's a real gem! You'll know it as the place with a mural, on the corner of Cowley Rd and Stockmore St. It looks like a scruffy chippy which does some chinese ...
18 years ago
Jen is a Reviewer
I've been looking forward to seeing this for months, as my long-suffering boyfriend knows only too well. It's hard to say why I'm so fond of Chicago - the characters are unlikeable, ...
18 years ago
Dancin' Oxford Festival 2007
Jen is a Reviewer
Driven - MotionhouseThursday 1st March 2007Two men; three women. The scene is set to explore drive, competition, how far we will go to get what we want and what happens when we lose control. This ...
18 years ago
Dancin' Oxford Festival 2007