Reviews by Lee Jones
Antichrist [18]
Lee Jones
Ostensibly, Antichrist is about a therapist (Willem Dafoe) and his wife (Charlotte Gainsbourg) who retreat to an isolated cabin following the death of their infant son so that he can treat her grief. ...
16 years ago
Antichrist [18]
Lee Jones
Turandot is generally seen by critics as one of opera’s least believable stories. Set in imperial China, Calaf, an exiled prince, spurning the love of Liu, a slave-girl caring for his blinded ...
16 years ago
Animal Farm
Lee Jones
Orwell’s moving allegory of the defeat of the Bolshevik revolution and the triumph of Stalinism is a timeless one, as relevant today as it was in the 1940s. Ian Wooldridge’s 1982 adaptation of ...
17 years ago
Animal Farm
Andy Zaltzman & Dan Atkinson
Lee Jones
Dan Atkinson previewed his forthcoming Edinburgh routine, ‘The Credit Crunch and Other Biscuits’, which is loosely structured around his attempts to solve his economic woes, including moving in ...
17 years ago
Andy Zaltzman & Dan Atkinson
Free Beer Show - 2008 Season
Lee Jones
This was a very disappointing evening at the Free Beer Show. The less said about the opening act, Bishop and Douch, the better. Their sketch – a bizarre melange of quirky takes on Disney, Scooby ...
17 years ago
Free Beer Show - 2008 Season
The Oxford/Durham/Cambridge Revue 2008
Lee Jones
This is a must-see show. Following proudly in the tradition of earlier varsity sketch shows, these companies could well be nurturing the future talent of British comedy. Book your tickets for the ...
17 years ago
The Oxford/Durham/Cambridge Revue 2008
Oxfringe 2008
Lee Jones
Imagine a mix between Whose Line is it, Anyway? and I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue, and you might get some sense of what this very funny, creative, hour-long show is like. The audience commits their ...
17 years ago
Oxfringe 2008
Omid Djalili
Lee Jones
Although Omid Djalili says the best thing to have come out of his successful BBC television show is a passport, he was of course born in Britain, and so this 'Iranian' comedian is as much at home ...
17 years ago
Omid Djalili
Lee Jones
In this new play set in a dystopian, post-global warming future, a group of struggling writers try to find a way to kill off the cast of a long-running sit-com in the least spectacular way possible. ...
17 years ago
Look Back In Anger
Lee Jones
‘Kitchen sink realism’ began with Look Back in Anger: first staged in 1956, it can be crudely summarised as a series of cruel, soul-destroying confrontations between lovers and friends, confined ...
17 years ago
Look Back In Anger