Reviews - Gigs

Liz Green + Brickwork LizardsLiz Green + Brickwork Lizards review Dec 12th
Liz Green + Brickwork Lizards review
Death's Cabaret - A Love StoryDeath's Cabaret - A Love Story review Dec 1st
Death's Cabaret - A Love Story review
Abnormally Funny PeopleAbnormally Funny People review Nov 16th
Abnormally Funny People review
Out Of The Blue CD LaunchOut Of The Blue CD Launch review Nov 10th
Out Of The Blue CD Launch review
Will YoungWill Young review Nov 9th
Will Young review
Black History Month Special feat. Teddy DanTeddy Dan: Outta Shasamane Oct 26th
Teddy Dan: Outta Shasamane
This Is OxfordThis Is Oxford review Oct 18th
This Is Oxford review
Reggae for a ReasonRoots Reggae All-Dayer Jul 31st
Roots Reggae All-Dayer
Amateur TransplantsAmateur Transplants review Jun 19th
Amateur Transplants review
Doctors O' DestinyDoctors O' Destiny review Jun 16th
Doctors O' Destiny review
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